How to use, maintain and repair your product.
Series 9 (S9), Series 9 Pro (S9 Pro), Series 9 Pro+ (S9 Pro+)

Here at Braun, we have many troubleshooting tips that can help with persistent problems. They're well worth trying but if you need a service or repair, then you can find out what to do, including making a warranty claim, here.
If you are using a Clean & Charge station or SmartCare Centre, fit a new cleaning cartridge if the current one has been fitted for eight weeks or longer, since this can be the cause of unwanted odours. You can obtain new cartridges here if you don't have a fresh one to use.
You can also get rid of unwanted smells by hand. Use a small amount of liquid soap to clean your shaver from time to time. Don't use scouring agents, however. Make sure you remove the soap by rinsing while running the shaver. After cleaning turn off the shaver and remove the shaving foil and cutter block so that it can aerate to dry out thoroughly. Put the shaver somewhere it won't be exposed to airborne moisture before storing it.
Smells can be caused by residual moisture becoming trapped inside an electric shaver. Therefore, when cleaning your shaver with water turn the shaver on to help expel fluid from inside. It is best to hold the shaver head - not the whole shaver - under hot running water for a moment or two when doing this.
We know that some shavers can start to make noises when in use. If yours does, check that the shaving foil and cutter block of the shaver's head are connected correctly. Some shavers also make noise if their attachments haven't been fitted in the right way. You usually solve the problem by simply taking them off and refitting them. That said, check the particulars of the user manual for your shaver model if the problem persists, including how to clean and oil it properly.
To begin with, if your shaver is a Wet & Dry device, you can't switch it on when the cable is connected to the power supply. For safety reasons, it can only be used without a cable, so that might be the cause of the issue. Bear in mind that using a different charger cable from the one supplied can result in a malfunction or longer charging times, too. Therefore, we advise only using the original charger cable. The good news is that original Braun accessories are available to purchase, ideal if you no longer have yours. We also recommend cleaning and oiling the shaver. Check your user manual for guidance on how to do this. If the power issue persists, contact your local service partner. Find yours here.
If your model comes with a SmartCare Centre, use it to keep your shaver hygienically clean. This is the best method since the alcohol-based solution of the SmartCare Centre will clean more hygienically than is possible with water alone. It removes residual hair and skin particles that inevitably cumulate after every shave.
Because all Braun shavers are waterproof, you can rinse them even while they're in use to remove unwanted hairs. You can clean your shaver after each shave by rinsing the head in fresh water and then leaving it to dry thoroughly. If you clean your shaver under running water, then we advise detaching the shaver head from the body to clean both parts separately. We also recommend that you regularly oil your shaver head.
Firstly, you should note that a Braun shaver foil and cutter can last up to 18 months before its performance starts to drop off. Nevertheless, performance will vary from user to user. Let's look at the factors that might impact on your shaver's cutting effectiveness.
Factors Affecting Shaver Performance: Factors such as your preferred shaving method, whether you're maintaining a clean-shaven look or have a beard and the density of your facial hair will necessarily impact on how long the shaver's foil will remain as sharp as it first did. How often you shave can also impact on an electric shaver's performance while good cleaning and maintenance is advisable if you want to enjoy close shaves without dips in performance.
How to Maintain Your Shaver: To maintain the effectiveness of your electric shaver, we recommend you replace the foil and cutter every 18 months. Nevertheless, if visual inspection – which you can do yourself without any specialist knowledge – reveals any nicks, dents or wear patterns, then you should consider shaving the shaver head sooner than this. Take a look at yours before your next shave to detect any of these tell-tale signs of wear. Equally, if the performance of the shaver begins to noticeably decline, then it is time to fit a new foil and cutter. You'll typically notice this if you have to keep going over the same patch of skin to shave effectively.
Tips for Getting the Most From Your Shaver's Foil: So much for what to do if your shaver isn't working as well as it used to - here are some tips to get the most out of each foil you fit. To begin with, only apply light pressure when shaving. Pressing too hard can shorten the lifetime of the foil as it works harder. In some cases, it may even cause damage to the foil itself. Secondly, if you have substantial facial hair growth - more than a few days, say – then you may be shaving for longer on days when you do shave. This can reduce the lifetime of the foil, so consider shaving more frequently. Another good tip is to hold the shaver at right angles which will mean you shave optimally, thereby lessening the amount of work the foil has to do.
Perhaps most importantly, regular cleaning and oiling of the foil will help it to last longer. Ongoing maintenance will not only help to prolong the foil’s lifespan but ensure shaves are smoother and more comfortable, as well. Finally, if you take your shaver travelling with you or use it at the gym as well as home, for example, then be sure to protect the foil while the shaver is being moved since this can nick or dent it which could lead to subsequent injuries on the skin.
How to Replace You Shaver Head: If it's time to replace your shaver's foil and cutter, then you'll be able to find the right replacement head for your model from our range. If that doesn't work, then seek assistance from a local service centre or contact customer support.
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