How to use, maintain and repair your product.

    Beard Trimmer 9 (BT), All-in-One Trimmer 9 (AIO)

    Beard Trimmer 9 (BT), All-in-One Trimmer 9 (AIO)

    How to use your product

    Face Shaving Tips

    Trim, shave or both - what is the best shaving method for your face?

    Hair Styling

    How to trim and get a perfect styled look

    Body Grooming & Manscaping

    Everything you need to know about chest hair removal

    Accessories & spare parts

    User Manuals

    BT 9441, BT 9440, BT 9421, BT 9420DE,EN,FR,ES,PT,IT,NL,DK,NO,SE,FI,GR
    BT 9441, BT 9440, BT 9421, BT 9420EN,FR,PL,CZ,SK,HU,HR,SI,TR,RO,MD,BG,RU,UA,ARAB
    BT 9420日本語,EN
    AiO 9440, All-in-OneEN,FR,ES (USA,CDN,MEX)
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